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At Ellie Belle, we strive to offer the best prices for our luxury fashion items. While we cannot guarantee price matches, we invite customers to reach out to our Client Support team to see if the item they're interested in can be price matched. Our goal is to ensure our customers receive the best possible value for their purchases.

How to Request a Price Match

If you find a similar item listed elsewhere for a lower price, follow these steps to request a price match:

  1. Gather Information: Ensure you have a link to the competitor's product listing that shows the lower price.
  2. Contact Client Support: Reach out to our Client Support team via chat, email, or phone with the following details:

Contact Information

  • Chat: Use the live chat feature on our website for immediate assistance.
  • Email: Send your price match request to
  • Phone: Call our Client Support team at (800) 771-3948.

Terms and Conditions

  • Eligibility: The competitor’s product must be identical to the Ellie Belle product, including brand, model, color, and size.

  • Verification: The competitor’s price must be currently available to the general public and verifiable by Ellie Belle.

  • Exclusions: Price match requests will not be considered for items sold by auction sites, membership clubs, or non-retail entities.

  • Approval: Price matches are subject to approval and are not guaranteed. Ellie Belle reserves the right to deny any price match request at its discretion.

  • Limitations: Price match requests cannot be combined with any other Ellie Belle promotions, discounts, or offers.

Why Choose Ellie Belle?

By shopping with Ellie Belle, you not only get access to a curated selection of luxury fashion items but also benefit from:

  • Free 30-Day Returns
  • Worldwide Shipping
  • Financing Options Available with Affirm
  • Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee

Final Note

Our commitment to providing the best value and customer service means we take each price match request seriously. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to helping you enjoy a seamless and rewarding shopping experience at Ellie Belle.